Oneness Prayer Network

Monthly Prayer Focus



Ask God to forgive us, since we sin daily. Psalms (19: 14) (51:1 & 10)

Acknowledge God and His Greatness. Proverbs 16:7

Pray and request of God believing with all assurance Hebrews 4:15-16


  • We pray the Spirit of God to set an atmosphere where Godly Relationships can freely form and flourish.
  • We pray the Holy Ghost to bind & cancel demonic assignments set in place to hinder relationship building.
  • We pray for the Spirit of God to fill the hearts of our Faith Family with Godly Love toward one another.
  • We pray for a Godly Anointing upon our ministry where His Love is continually abundant and refreshing.
  • We pray Godly Love to abide in our hearts for our community as we grow and establish our ministry.
  • We pray the Spirit of God to impart the Heart of Shepherding upon our leadership.
  • We pray the Spirit of Christ to influence our hearts toward love when issues and conflicts arise.
  • We pray for our hearts and minds to yield to the Holy Spirit in love as we interact together in all things. 
  • OUR PRAYER PURPOSE: (For Spiritual Breakthrough)

To assemble ourselves as “Watchmen on the Wall” to cover and set the daily atmosphere eight times each day with prayer for our community and our nation. We will call out by name the spirits of violence, murder, destruction and criminal division. Secondly, we’re requesting others to pray over this process and pray over those who are committed to pray.

OUR METHOD OF OPERATION: (Spirit Lead Objective)

Begin each watch by accepting the mantle that has been passed, then asking the Holy Spirit to cover your entire chosen watch time before you pray.  Remember to bind the spirits that are called out and declare all their evil works expired, voided, impotent and of no effect.

24 hours Pray watch times: